Philippines mourns the loss of "King of Comedy" Dolphy
July 11, 2012
The Philippines is in a state of mourning after their very own "King of Comedy" passed away earlier this week. The Associated Press reports Rodolfo Vera Quizon Sr. - known simply as Dolphy - passed away late Monday night at the Makati Medical Center in Manila.
The 83-year-old comedian got his start on the stage in the 1940s, when Japan occupied the South Pacific island nation. He rose to fame by taking on quirky, odd-ball roles and portraying gay characters on shows like "Facifica Falayfay." Through his 66-year career, which ended with a comedy movie filmed two years ago, Dolphy starred in over 200 films, according to the Philippine News Agency. His death has affected many Philippine people, including many public officials.
"Dolphy is an inspiration to millions of ordinary Filipinos," Vice President Jejomar C. Binay said, the Manila Bulletin reports. "In spite of his success, he remained humble and loyal to his friends and shared his blessings with the less fortunate."
Those who want to talk about the late comedian can make calls to the Philippines with international phone cards to discuss the actor with their friends.