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November 11 sees more than 1,000 marriages in China

November 11, 2011

People around the world took notice of the magical number of Friday's date, 11/11/11, and in China, more than 1,000 couples chose this date to get married, according to CBS News. Mass wedding ceremonies were held at numerous temples and public venues across the nation.

"The numbers rhyme with one husband, one wife and one soul in Chinese, and signify a marriage that would last a lifetime," Pua Kim Giok, one of the brides who tied the knot today, told the news source.

Friends and relatives of the newly-betrothed can use international phone cards to make calls to China to congratulate their loved ones on the joyous news.

November 11 is also unofficially recognized as "Single's Day" in China, the Brisbane Times reports, which is why so many sought to be married. The sum of the date's numbers - 11/11/2011 - is eight, which is traditionally considered to be a lucky number because it sounds similar to part of the phrase "get rich," according to the publication.


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